Flushing ewes is still advised

3 October 1997

Flushing ewes is still advised

EWES in good condition after this summers plentiful grass should be flushed for a shorter period than usual before tupping.

So advises Newcastle-based ADAS consultant John Russell. "It is still important to flush ewes even though they are fit – its not condition per se that counts but being on a rising plane of nutrition."

Although producers should have sorted ewes at weaning and managed them according to condition, he acknowledges that it is difficult to slim down some breeds.

"So even though these ewes might be approaching condition score 4 they should still be flushed, but perhaps only for about 10 days before tupping rather than the usual two to three weeks.

"In theory, conception rates will be reduced where ewes are over-fat. However, in my experience, its better to have ewes overfat rather than too thin."

He says producers should aim to flush ewes in fields with fresh regrowth. "Some fields may have a lot of grass as they have been undergrazed throughout the summer, but this will be rank and stemmy and of low digestibility, reducing the flushing effect."

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