French system top for targeting control?

17 March 2000

French system top for targeting control?

FRENCH know-how could soon help UK growers target effort in eyespot control, says Novartis.

It is piloting the TOP model, developed by French advisory body, SRPV, across 10 sites in the UK this season to forecast eyespot risk.

If the model proves reliable under UK conditions, Novartis hope to be able to offer it to growers to assess eyespot risk next year, says technical support manager, Chris Rowsell. "Eyespot is never going to affect all crops – perhaps only one in four. By using the TOP system we are trying to save the farmer time by identifying which crops are at the greatest risk," he says.

The computer model uses weather data with traditional risk factors such as drilling date, variety, soil type, rotational position and cultivation method to produce a crop risk assessment. "It needs max and min daily temperatures and rainfall from pre-drilling through to the end of March."

In France growers have been working with the system since 1994, so it is finely tuned for their conditions. Results from UK data fed into the model this season will establish its value here, hopes Mr Rowsell.

The TOP model will build on Novartiss Risk Assessor system, which uses the traditional factors to place eyespot risk in four categories: Very high, high, medium and low.

Muddy Boots have produced a CD ROM version of the risk assessor which is available free and compatible with the CropWalker software.

"So growers or advisers could import data into the risk assessor," says Mr Miles. &#42


&#8226 French TOPmodel on trial.

&#8226 Field inspection still needed.

&#8226 Early-drilling key risk factor.

&#8226 First wheats can be high risk.

French eyespot forecasting system might have role in the UK, says Novartis technical support manager, Chris Rowsell.

Top FWcoverage

Pilot eyespot risk assessments from the Novartis TOP model from the UK sites will be reported in farmers weekly as they become available.

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