Good conditions for spud harvest
12 September 2001
Good conditions for spud harvest
WITH the first crop of “second Earlys” being harvested, British Potato Councils Guy Gagen says conditions have been good for harvesting.
So far 16% of the crop has been harvested compared to 14% at the same time last year.
“There is a lot of volume on the market place and a lot of speculative stocks being traded. Spot prices have fallen in the last week.”
There have been easy conditions for harvesting. He says it is early for harvesting despite most planting being at least two weeks later than usual.
“Harvesting now is an economic decision and not biological so it is difficult to comment on yields.
However, were expecting some good yields this year, expecting similar yields as last year over 40t/ha.
“We are expecting slightly less in the East as there were a few more belts of rain passing through at planting time. Everywhere else had good conditions and good seedbeds.”
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