Good spring barley quality

29 August 2001

Good spring barley quality

SPRING barley has almost been finished on Jim Macfarlanes farm at Foulden near Berwick-upon-Tweed. They have temporarily moved onto wheat until the rest of the spring barley is fit.

“Spring barley yields have not been too disappointing averaging about 2.5t/acre (6.2t/ha) and its not brilliant spring barley land.” The farm has heavy soil, although he says spring barley is grown on the lighter parts. The normal average for spring barley is 6.8t/ha (2.75t/acre).

Quality is also good, with 5% screenings over a 2.5mm screen and 1.4% nitrogen. He says he has not had the trouble with quality, which is becoming apparent around Scotland.

Yesterday a start was made on some Claire wheat, drilled after set-a-side. It yielded about 10t/ha (4t/acre). Last year he averaged 11.3t/ha (4.6t/acre), but describes this as exceptional, and is reasonably happy with this.

The first wheat crops are expected to be ready in two weeks and beans at the end of September.

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