Green schemes need tenfold boost WWF

3 May 2000

Green schemes need tenfold boost — WWF

By FWi staff

THE government needs to increase its funding for agri-environmental schemes tenfold, claims a leading wildlife organisation.

In a new report the Worldwide Fund for Nature says the 1.6 billion put up for wildlife-friendly schemes is inadequate to meet demand.

Richard Perkins of WWF told the BBC Radio 4 Farming Today programme said this figure was not pie-in-the-sky in the context of levels of budgets available for subsidies.

But junior agriculture minister Elliot Morley disagreed.

He said: “In an ideal world wed be delighted to do that, but weve got to work with the resources which are available to that.

He pointed out that the government is almost doubling the number of agri-environment from 1600 to 3000.

Mr Morley said the UK was to the fore of efforts to reform the Common Agricultural Policy by moving production support into agri-environment schemes.

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