Having fun with French lessons…

14 December 2001

Having fun with French lessons…

Ecole Alouette provides books for schools, home educators and parents wishing to introduce their children to the French language. It is based at Monkton Road Farm, Birchington, Kent, the family farm of author Lucy Montgomery.

Mrs Montgomery launched the scheme in 1997 and has since produced Skoldo, the template for a multilingual primary course.

There are Skoldo work books for children at different levels and accompanying handbooks for teachers.

These are fun and clearly set out to entice any young child to enjoy learning French. They are full of games, pictures and puzzles but at the same time provide a good basic knowledge of French for children.

*Skoldo, by Lucy Montgomery, published by Ecole Alouette, childrens work book £3.99, teachers handbook £25 (with CDs) Inquiries: (01843-843447) www.skoldo.com

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