7 April 2000


uTHE Royal Agricultural Society of England has come up with 100 profitable reasons to attend this years show from July 3-6. In line with farmers wishes, the RASE wants to keep agriculture central to the event.

uLEGISLATION allowing the Milk Development Committee to start collecting levy to pay for a generic milk promotion has finally been laid. After the MDC identified ways to save money, the government has also approved a cut in the levy rate for R&D from 0.04 to 0.035p/litre.

uST Merryn Meat, the only beef exporters in England and Wales, has hosted a visit by South African officials. The firm hopes the delegation will recommend the SA government lifts its import ban on British beef.

uADAS has a launched a survey on farmers attitudes from the use of computers to government agricultural policy. The ADAS Farmers Voice Survey, will canvass 11,500 farmers across England and Wales. Meanwhile, the Intervention Board will survey 4500 customers to see how satisfied they are with it.

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