• MAFF has launched a consultation on the future of the food chain which aims to identify developments which will effect the way food is grown, produced, marketed and consumed in the UK over the next 20 years. The consultation will include discussions about how to ensure the government has an accurate picture of the public acceptability of new technologies in food.
• VET Peter Jinman has been appointed to SEAC, the governments BSE advisory committee. Mr Jinman is a member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and is a partner in a practice in Herefordshire.
• THE Royal Highland Education Trust is to launch a CD-ROM for schools called The Working Countryside which provides information and teaching material on agriculture and the countryside. The CD-ROM will be suitable for use in both primary and secondary schools.
• THE Health and Safety Executive has issued a free information sheet Carriage of Passengers on Farm Trailers. It is available from HSE publications (01787-881165). *