7 December 2001


uREADING Universitys Rural History Centre has been awarded £5.1m from the Heritage Lottery Fund to allow it to move to a new location. The centre, which used to be called the Museum of English Rural Life will move from the universitys Whiteknights campus to St Andrews Hall in the town centre. The museum aims to show the history of food and farming within the overall rural economy.

uMEMBERS of the Second Hand Machinery Dealers Association dug deep to raise more than £1800 for the charity child Line at their annual dinner on Saturday (Dec 1). The event, which is only in its second year, was attended by over 120 people who came from all parts of the country to the venue in Cheltenham. The association was formed last year to give dealers a chance to catch up with friends and colleagues.

uSCRAPIE compensation for sheep slaughtered in December will be £28.95 if the disease is confirmed at post-mortem and a maximum of £400 for suspects where scrapie is not confirmed. BSE compensation for cattle slaughtered will be up to £561 if the disease is confirmed and a maximum of £701.25 where BSE is not confirmed. Compensation for cattle slaughtered with brucellosis will be a maximum of £567. &#42

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