Keeping cow and pig parasites at bay
Crimp preserver keeps clamp stable
STABILISE crimped grain with a new organic-acid based preservative, says manufacturer Northern Nutrition.
The crimp preserver is a blend of organic acids, designed to ensile moist grain and pulses, according to the company. There is said to be little fuming and almost no smell.
Crimp Preserver works by reducing grain pH to 4, allowing the clamp to remain stable without heating, says Northern Nutrition.
It is applied at a rate of 3-5 litres/t depending on crop moisture content and is available in 200 litre barrels. Cost is about £4/t of treated grain (Tel/fax 01661-830830).
Once-a-day feed after only three days
FEEDING calves on a once a day basis from three days old is possible using a new calf milk replacer, Once a Day, manufactured by Bibby.
The replacer can be fed as soon as calves come off colostrum and saves time and labour, compared with conventional powder formulations, says the company.
Trials show calves grew at a daily rate of 0.62kg and weighed 83.4kg after 56 days on the Once a Day formulation. On conventional replacer, growth rates were 0.52kg/day and calves weighed 77.4kg at the end of the trial, according to the company.
The product is available in 20kg bags, with one bag/calf required until weaning at 5-6 weeks. Each bag costs £29 (01733-555552, fax 01733-422843).
Keeping cow and pig parasites at bay
KEEP cattle nematodes at bay this grazing season with Virbamec Pour-On for cattle, says manufacturer Virbac.
This ivermectin-based endectocide is applied at a rate of 1ml/10kg body weight and recent trials show its efficacy is unaffected by rainfall, according to the company.
Formerly only licensed for cattle, Virbamec Injection is now also licensed for treatment and control of roundworms and major external parasites in pigs, and is said to be effective for treatment and control of sarcoptic mange. Dose rate for pigs is 1ml/33kg body weight.
Virbamec Pour-On for cattle is available in 500ml, 1-litre, 2.5-litre and 5-litre packs; 2.5-litre packs cost £130/each. Virabamec Injection for cattle and pigs costs £120/500ml pack (01359-243243, fax 01359-243200).