Labour Conference – news updates

2 October 2001

Labour Conference – news updates

Foot-and-mouth – latest outbreaks


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  • Minister: Farms vital but must change

    FARMING must change if it is to remain a vital part of Britains rural economy, warns Rural Affairs Secretary Margaret Beckett.

  • Organic targets are disastrous
    SOME countries are finding that introducing national targets for organic production is disastrous, the government is told.

  • Farm commission has one hand tied
    THE Policy Commission into food and farming has “one hand tied behind its back”, claim environmentalists from Friends of the Earth.

  • Beckett silent on arable aid
    RURAL Affairs Secretary Margaret Beckett refuses to say whether she will help arable farmers hit by the worst harvest for years.

  • No more organic cash – for now
    RURAL Affairs Secretary Margaret Beckett appears to have ruled out additional funding for organic farmers at least for the time being.

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