Leaders call it a day after thirty years…

14 December 2001

Leaders call it a day after thirty years…

This informal friendship club has more than 60 groups

nationwide and is open to all female readers of FW.

Details from Jean Howells (0208-652 4927)

email fwclub@rbi.co.uk

THIRTY years is a long time to be a contact leader in Farm Womens Club and so Zanna Johnston and Laura Brough have decided it is time to retire.

Cumbria-Borders members showed their gratitude to the ladies by presenting them with garden vouchers and bouquets of flowers at a recent meeting in Dalston.

This village has hosted FWC for many years and it would be such a shame if the club was allowed to fizzle out. The motto of Dalston is: "While I live Ill Crow" and maybe this sentiment should be adopted by our members to keep FWC thriving throughout the land!

The slide show at this meeting was second to none, a wonderful array of flowers and spectacular scenery appeared before our eyes accompanied by beautiful music courtesy of Richard Spiers. Patience is a virtue and Richards has been rewarded with photographs of rare butterflies, varieties of orchids and white clawed crayfish, all to be seen in Smardale Gill Nature Reserve.

I hope all those present felt that in spite of extreme difficulties this year, hope springs eternal and they will still be supporting each other with that special FWC friendship at regular meetings in 2002.

Jean Howells


Wed, Jan 16, 12 noon for 12.30pm. Meet at The Toby, Midway Hotel, London Road, Wootton for lunch and AGM. Raffle. Names to Rita (01604-810351) by Jan 10.


Wed, Jan 9, 12.30 for 1pm. Meet at the Lygon Arms, Chipping Campden for AGM. Please bring plenty of ideas for forthcoming year. Contact Pauline (01608-737733).

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