Major rust spot problems ahead
17 May 2001
Major rust spot problems ahead
By FWi staff
INTERNAL rust spot is set to be a major problem in maincrop potatoes this year, following late plantings and record spring rainfall, warns a fertiliser supplier
Poor calcium supply, irregular irrigation, variety choice and rapid tuber bulking can worsen the condition says Hydro plant nutrition specialist Miles Harriman.
Applying granular Calcium Nitrate TropiCote has helped reduce IRS, which is linked to calcium supply, when applied as a top-dressing at tuber initiation,
Unlike foliar applied calcium, which remains mostly in the leaves, it provides high levels of calcium around tuber skins and stolons at the key timing, he adds.
- Add calcium to spuds to hit rust spot, FWi, 16 June 2000
- Anti-rust spot calcium treatment proves worth, FWi, 10 April 1998
- FWi election update
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