Minister: Farms vital but must change

2 October 2001

Minister: Farms vital but must change

By Isabel Davies in Brighton

RURAL Affairs Secretary Margaret Beckett has warned that farming must change if it is to remain a vital part of Britains rural economy.

Speaking from the platform at the Labour Party conference in Brighton, Mrs Beckett told delegates that agriculture is at the core of the countryside.

“It remains and will always remain the case, that agriculture is a vital, even a central ingredient in its life and prosperity.”

But, like the rest of the rural economy, agriculture is subject to enormous pressure for change, she added.

The European Union is committed to begin reform of the Common Agricultural Policy from next year, Mrs Beckett said.

Consumers will no longer permit farming to carry on as before, or pay for it either through taxation or through high consumer prices, she predicted.

“What society as a whole wants from agriculture is changing and probably changing irrevocably.”

Farmers must become more market-oriented and consumer-focused.

“There is no long-term future for an industry which cannot develop in line with market forces.”

Mrs Beckett said it was her considered judgement that the world will not be willing to wait for change to happen.

“We dare not listen to those siren voices who murmur that because change will undoubtedly be difficult, we should postpone it.”


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