MLCtakes on NZ
MLCtakes on NZ
POINT of sale promotions are being launched by MLC to meet New Zealand lamb imports head to head in hope to boost home-bred lamb sales.
Lamb product manager Stewart Hall told the NSA meeting that the MLC campaign matches the £1m New Zealand television advertising campaign, which begins on Feb 22, although it will structured differently.
Attempting to boost British lamb sales through in store price promotions is seen as the best way to drive volume sales of British lamb to help shift the extra 900,000 lambs on farm compared to last year.
Mr Hall said that television campaigns are designed to develop a brand image, which would not help clear the over-supply.
However, the MLCs strategy could benefit from the New Zealand ad campaign which might increase consumer awareness of lamb, while the MLCs point of sale campaign is designed to influence consumers to buy British.
As part of MLCs new advertising initiatives, free cinema tickets are on offer when purchasing selected quick lamb cuts in line with MLCs strategy to increase lamb eaten by younger consumers.