More ports for stock imports?

14 December 2001

More ports for stock imports?

GOVERNMENT officials are considering whether to ask Brussels to allow EUexports of live animals into England to be channelled through ports other than just Dover so farmers can restock after foot-and-mouth.

European vets agreed last month to allow imports of animals susceptible to foot-and-mouth to restart in disease-free counties via designated ports of entry. But Dover in Kent has been picked as the UKs only "gateway" port for imported animals.

A spokeswoman for P&O Stena Line said its freight service would carry live animals so long as it could be proved they were for breeding purposes and not for slaughter.

But competitors SeaFrance and Norfolkline seem more reluctant. SeaFrance said it did not carry livestock at present and did not envisage the situation would change.

A DEFRA spokesman said the idea of asking the commission to open up more ports was under consideration. It follows an NFU request to help reduce the amount of time animals spent on the road. &#42

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