MPs quiz ministers in BSE debate
MPs quiz ministers in BSE debate
MPS were given the chance to question ministers on the governments promise of greater openness in its response to the BSE inquiry yesterday (Thursday).
A long-awaited Parliamentary debate was called to discuss Lord Phillips report after the government issued its interim response last week.
The response acknowledges the main criticisms of the government in the 16-volume BSE inquiry, published in October.
These include a lack of openness, the failure to understand good scientific advice and to manage and communicate risk. A lack of communication between departments was highlighted as another factor that contributed to UK farmings gravest crisis in the run up to 1996.
In its response, the government said the crisis has hit public confidence in food safety standards to the extent that drastic steps are needed to restore it."
The report said the launch of the Food Standards Agency last year was a major step towards greater openness.
The document will form the basis of widespread consultation on various government proposals prior to the publication of its final response.