Mustard could be next hot crop
5 October 2001
Mustard could be next hot crop
ABYSSINIAN mustard could prove to be a useful alternative to industrial spring oilseed rape, says Driffield-based Springdale Crop Synergies.
A spring-sown high erucic acid-producing oil crop, all was cleared by early September and yielded contracted growers an average 2.4t/ha (1t/acre).
“That is equivalent to a good spring oilseed rape crop, but where we wound up the inputs we achieved 26-27cwt/acre (3.3t/ha),” says the groups Clifford Spencer.
When contracts were fixed at 140/t at the start of the year, the price was a substantial premium to oilseed rape, he maintains.
Seed cost, at 47/ha is the main input, insecticide, fungicide and fertiliser requirements being similar or lower than spring oilseed rape.
Provided crush and oil tests later this autumn are successful a substantial increase in crop area is anticipated next spring.
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- New OSR variety is exceptional, FWi, 2 August, 2001
- Industrial OSR contract relaxed, FWi, 25 July, 2001
- Mustard could help save wet set-aside, FWi, 3 May, 2001
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