Mustard could help save wet set-aside

3 May 2001

Mustard could help save wet set-aside

By FWi staff

SOW mustard on set-aside to ease autumn cultivations, advises farm consultancy Farmacy.

Unless July is very hot, heavy-land farmers could face difficulties on set-aside with high moisture and poor soil structures, says managing director, Michael Young

A mustard catch crop will help dry saturated soil, improve soil structure and reduce wheat bulb fly risk, says Mr Young.

Sowing rate should be 3-5kg/ha (1.2-2kg/acre), costing 7-12/ha (3-5/acre). Broadcasting and harrowing seed in is usually adequate for establishment.

Set-aside rules allow mustard to be established at any time during the season, but it must be cut between July 15 and Aug 15, notes Farmacy.

If the decision to use mustard is taken before the IACS form is posted record the crop on the form.

If the decision is taken later, MAFF will require written notification, so records can be altered on behalf of the grower, it adds.


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