Norfolk GM protesters in court

27 July 1999

Norfolk GM protesters in court

By FWi staff

TWENTY-EIGHT people are due to appear in court this morning following the wrecking of a trial of genetically-modified (GM) crops in Norfolk.

Lord Melchett, the executive director of Greenpeace in the UK, was among 30 people arrested by police after the crop was attacked at Lyng, near Dereham.

The attack, just after 5am yesterday (Monday), means that three of the governments seven test sites planned for this year have been damaged or destroyed.

Jack Cunningham, the chairman of the Cabinet Committee on Biotechnology, indicated yesterday that the location future GM crop trials may be kept secret.

A minute-by-minute account of the attack is given front-page prominence in The Guardian today.

John Vidal, the papers correspondent, had his car rammed by a farm vehicle as farmer William Brigham and his two brothers tried to stop the damage to the trial.

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