OTMS overload is critical, says NBA

By Tamarind Davidson

NUMBERS of cattle awaiting disposal through the over thirty months scheme have reached critical levels, according to the National Beef Association.

“With a back-log of at least 180,000 cattle to be cleared, and numbers increasing by about 12,000-15,000 cows a week, stocking pressures are building daily,” says Robert Forster, NBA chief executive.

“And the weekly build-up is going to be even greater now as the spring clear-out starts.”

OTMS was suspended in late February due to foot-and-mouth restrictions but Mr Forster says a resumption should be imminent.

“The green light must be when the welfare disposal scheme back-log is almost back to normal, and latest figures indicate this is the case.

“There is no reason why OTMS cannot resume – as it is, it is going to take months before things get back to normal.”

The NFU estimates that, if the scheme was to function at full capacity, which is uncertain, it will be nearly two months before the number of cows waiting to go into OTMS returns to normal levels.

“If the backlog is to be cleared before the autumn flush, disposal needs to start by the end of June at the latest,” says NFU meat hygiene adviser Tom Hind.

“We dont want a repeat of 1996, when OTMS couldnt deal with the number of animals presented.”

Both the NFU and NBA have consulted MAFF about compensation for cattle that went over the 30-month limit due to foot-and-mouth restrictions.

“Nothing is on the table yet, but MAFF is considering some form of recompense,” says Mr Hind.


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