Pest prevention is service aim
Pest prevention is service aim
A NEW vermin control service targeting both insects and rodents is designed to help farmers achieve pest control to comply with the Assured Combinable Crops scheme.
"By combining both rodent control and insect monitoring, weve produced a vermin control plan aimed specifically at the needs of todays grain farmer," explains Chris Spark, contract manager at Igrox.
The need to meet consumer requirements was stressed at Grain 97 by John ORourke of Scottish Quality Cereals. "If we expect our customers to eat bread, we dont want rat droppings in it."
The Igrox service provides regular site visits for rat baiting and insect monitoring. Reports detailing actions taken and offering advice to farmers on continuing control are issued after each visit.
"The intention is to provide a proactive approach to vermin control, placing the emphasis on problem prevention rather than problem solving. Our visits support existing control strategies," said Mr Spark.
"During winter months when stores are full, well make frequent site visits, using perimeter baiting to knock numbers back around the site.
"Inside the store, well tend to use advanced chemicals such as dusts or liquids to control rats, and also monitor insect activity in the grain itself with PC traps."
Cost of the service varies according to site size, but is about £380-400 for two or three 500t grain stores.
Its coffin time for insects and vermin alike with Igroxs new pest control service, says David Reddick.