Pig prices flatten out

By Peter Crichton

PIG prices reached a plateau this week, with the UK AESA unmoved at 94.14p/kg deadweight.

Fridays spot quotes are forecast to be generally at “stand on” levels, with one or two buyers also looking to take a few pence out at the heavier end of the price range.

This would put spot baconers into the 92-95p/kg slot, almost on a par with contract quotes.

Weaner prices have also peaked for the time being and a two tier market is opening up.

Hard-to-find PDNS-free weaners are at a premium, with virus-connected weaners much harder to place.

The spot Farmers Weekly average for 30kg pigs is now close to 33/head, compared with 26.25 a year ago.

The MLC has finally launched a hard-hitting advertising campaign to promote the “Mark of Distinction” and this has been well-received by producers.

The message is that pigmeat products that do not bear the Mark may have come from cruel, low-welfare systems and been fed on meat and bonemeal.

Producers claim that – provided retailers can be persuaded to use the Mark – it will give a further boost to sales of home-produced pigmeat and help to stem the flow of imports which continue to undercut the UK product.

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