Planters new features
Planters new features
ROOTS 2000 saw Kverneland introduce its new UN 3000T two-row potato planter which is basically a development of the companys existing UN 3000 range of planters – but with two new features.
The first is the incorporation of a 1.5t tipping hopper which is claimed to provide a gentler seed control, particularly when planting chitted potatoes.
The second new feature is electronic vibrating agitation for the cupped belt which is designed to ensure that only one potato per cup is delivered down to the ground. It is a system which uses an electric motor – one for each belt – to oscillate the belt using an offset cam arrangement. If the operator chooses to do so, he can alter the speed of the vibrations to suit conditions – when travelling downhill, for example.
Tipping 1.5t hopper and electronic vibration for the cupped belts are features of Kvernelands new UN 3000T planter.