Plough widens options

14 August 1998

Plough widens options

By Andy Collings

ONE of the latest developments on the plough front comes from Kverneland with its PL/RL semi-mounted plough range which offers on-the-move furrow width adjustment, an articulated centre section and an ability to be used with an integrated packer unit.

Front and rear sections of the plough – the rear section has three bodies – have been designed with a spring loaded linkage which allows the plough to follow ground undulations while maintaining an even ploughing depth overall.

Both sections can be raised and lowered independently to help create neat ins and outs at the headland.

Kverneland maintains that the new ploughs are compact and manoeuvrable with just 2.3m (7ft 7in) separating the last body on the front section with the first on the rear. The company also points out that on the move furrow width adjustment from 35cm to 50cm (14in to 20in) can increase outputs by up to 40% when conditions allow.

PL models are equipped with a leaf spring auto-reset system, while RLs are protected by shearbolts. Both models, if specified, can be bought with a combined on-land/in-furrow option – the on-land version hydraulically adjustable to an in-furrow position from the tractor cab.

For advocates of integrated presses, Kverneland insists that the new ploughs have been designed to make them suitable for its Packomat press – two large central wheels provide the stability when the unit is turned over.

Available in 6, 7 and 8-furrow formats, recommended power requirements are 150hp, 200hp and 250hp respectively. A PL 8-furrow version has a list price of £34,905. &#42

Integrated packer compatible, articulated and on-the-move furrow width adjustment for Kvernelands new PL/RL ploughs.

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