Prospects for UKbeet crop still good
Prospects for UKbeet crop still good
DESPITE recent heavy rain and cool conditions, prospects for this seasons UK sugar beet crop remain good, claims British Sugar.
With most drilling done in March, soils at field capacity at the end of April should be regarded as a bonus, says operations support manager Robin Limb. "Although crops do not look particularly active, they will be putting down roots and will improve sharply when warmer weather returns." By the start of the week less than 1% of the crop had been re-sown. Soil slumping may increase that figure slightly, but it will be far less than the 20% needed in some dry seasons, says Mr Limb.
"Conditions have not been ideal, but there is no reason to be pessimistic. Plant populations may not be as high as some people would like, but in general it will not be worth re-drilling. Sugar beet is extremely resilient. Provided it is reasonably uniform, even a three-quarter population can give you nearly 100% yield."
But post-emergence herbicides will merit care to avoid crop damage once temperatures pick up, warns Mr Limb. "Dont be tempted to hot them up or go in too soon."
lGrowers on the internet can keep tabs on Bertie, Brooms Barns individual beet plant sown on Mar 14, at tbertie.html *