Questionmark over Rural Challenge
30 September 1998
Questionmark over Rural Challenge
A REPORT funded by the Economic and Social Research Council questions the effectiveness of the Rural Challenge in regenerating countryside economics.
The scheme was set up by the last Government to apply the urban regeneration principles of City Challenge projects in a rural setting.
The report finds the schemes failed to achieve their aims – to enhance competitiveness, promote public-private partnership and build stronger communities.
The research found many officers running Rural Challenge believed a policy of concentrating relatively large sums of money on a limited number of projects had “encouraged partnerships to put together inappropriate schemes and to be over-ambitious in their proposals”.
A majority of partnerships studied in the research recounted problems with community relationships since being awarded Rural Challenge money. “Initial enthusiasm and co-operation had given way, so project officers believed, to mistrust and frustration.”
Financial Times 30/09/98 page 9