Rain interrupting progress
17 August 2001
Rain interrupting progress
FOR the past two weeks Doug Dear has hardly worked his combine. It has rained enough to stop harvesting at Osgodgy near Selby. He is now concerned that he is behind time.
Claire feed winter wheat has been ready for almost two weeks. “It has started sprouting. This means the bushel weight will be down.” There is 32ha (80 acres) of the crop, but there should have been 80ha (200 acres) of the crop. Drilling conditions have been poor.
Oilseed rape harvest has been quite successful. 5ha (12 acres) of Apex yielded about 3.7t/ha (1.5t/acre). “Thats pretty good for around here.”
There were another 8ha (20 acres) besides the river Ouse, but 12ft of flooding meant the crop died. “It has been replaced by spring oilseed rape which looks exceptional and full of potential.”
Some early drilled Chariot spring barley has also been combined. “It looks like a good sample, although there has been no analysis yet. It should make malting.”
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