Rural task force wants more money

8 October 2001

Rural task force wants more money

By Adrienne Francis

A RURAL task force in Cheshire has warned that it needs extra funding for local businesses after demand soared because of foot-and-mouth.

Cheshire Rural Recovery Task Force said it had received 91 applications asking for a total of more than 1 million. But its funds amount to only 142,000.

Task force leaders said they would lobby the North-West Development Agency for more money to help the county.

Task force chairman and dairy farmer David Rowlands also called for the governments three foot-and-mouth inquiries to be amalgamated.

Three separate investigations show a lack of joined-up thinking, he said.

“An analogy might be that a man takes a dog to the vet and someone looks at his head, another at his body and another at his feet.

“That simply does not make sense.”

The task force is collecting observations from Cheshire to meet a deadline at the end of this month for comments to be submitted to the inquiries.


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