26 July 2002


July 28 Centenary show and sale for the Blackface Sheep Breeders Association at Perth. United Auctions (01746-683746)

July 30 Dispersal of the Huish flock of pedigree Texels (205 head) being organic and MC accredited. At South Huish Farm, Kingsbridge, Devon. Stags (01884-255533)

July 30 Evening sale of wheat and barley straw-in-the-swath, at Burtonwood, Warrington, Cheshire. Frank R Marshall (01625-861122)

July 30 Monthly show & sale of 150 Holstein females for Western Holstein Club. At Beeston Castle Market. Wright Manley (01829-262100)

Aug 1 Special sale of beef breeding cattle including cows, heifers (some with calves at foot) and bulls at Borderway Mart, Carlisle. Harrison & Hetherington (01228-590490)

Aug 1 Dispersal of the Tithby herd of Holsteins being part of Genus Breeding Club (250 head) with progeny from test bulls and high-type sires. Also Keenan feeder, bulk tank, plate cooler and AI flask. At Hollytree Farm, Tithby, Notts. Melton Mowbray Market (01664-562971)

Aug 2 Dispersal of the entire Llwynmelyn herd of Holsteins (173 head). Winners of Montgomeryshire NMR herd contest 2000 and 2001. Also comprehensive range of machinery and accessories. At Llwyn Melyn, Welshpool, Powys. Harrison & Hetherington (01228-590490)

Aug 2 Special sale of early breeding sheep and rams at Lancaster Mart. Lancaster Farmers (01524-63308)

Aug 2 Dispersal of MF 4245 with 110 hours and MF240, trailers, grass kit and usual range of cattle equipment, tools and effects. At Herdsmans Close Farm, Offcote, Derbys. Bagshaws (01335-342201)

Aug 2 Northampton Summer Sheep Fair (formerly Bicester Sheep Fair) featuring 6800 head to commence at 10am. Northampton Market. Northampton Auctions (01604-769990)

Aug 2 Sale of early breeding ewes and store lambs, including dispersal of 520-head Suffolk X ewes. Borderway Mart, Carlisle. Harrison & Hetherington (01228-590490)

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