Sheep farmers told to improve records
23 February 1999
Sheep farmers told to improve records
SHEEP farmers must improve their record-keeping or risk losing support payments, the Scottish Office has warned.
The standard of record keeping by farmers is generally poor and could lead to subsidies being withheld, said John Graham, head of the Scottish Office agricultuture department.
The department is looking at standardising the records required and making them mandatory, he told a sheep producers conference in Perth.
Delegates were also told that encouraging younger people to eat more lamb is a priority for the sector.
About 70% of lamb is eaten by consumers over the age of 45, said David Croston, head of sheep strategy at the Meat and Livestock Commission.
John Vipon, a senior sheep specialist at the Scottish Agricultural College, said producers wanting to reduce costs should send lambs to market at the first opportunity.
- The Herald 23/02/99 page 24