Show winner on top bi

28 April 2000

Show winner on top bi

LIMOUSIN breeders were not deterred by seniority when presented with the opportunity to buy the show-winning cow Finesse which made the top price of 3500gns at the fourth production sale from the Brockhurst herd.

Owner Doug Mash presented the major portion of the 98 head offered through his on-farm sale centre.

The December 1990-bred Finesse is an imported daughter of twice Paris champion Dimitri. She has been a class winner at the Royal Show on three appearances and accounted for several county show titles during her career.

Her flushing programme has produced 21 embryos, all of which have been used, and she was sold in-calf to Ronick Matador. Buyers were Smiths of Bloxham, Banbury.

Another Royal Show ticket winner appealed to the crowd when the December 1997-bred bull Brockhurst Nuclear, which stood second at Stoneleigh last summer, made 3400gns to GM Few & Sons, Ramsden, Cambs.

Nuclear is by Jubile and out of Himalaya, another of the Brockhurst herds show winners.

A winning combination of two inter-breed champions produced the maiden heifer Brockhurst Option. Shes out of the Talent sired Ronick McAinsi, which sold for 28,000gns in 1997, and by the Broadmeadows Cannon son Ronick Matador. Buyer at 3000gns was Millington Grange Estate, York. (Harrison and Hetherington) &#42

A daughter of Dimitri, Finesse made 3500 gns at the on-farm sale, Bucks.

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