SNFU to help struggling farm families apply for aid
13 March 1998
SNFU to help struggling farm families apply for aid
By Allan Wright
THE Scottish NFU is to assist its members to apply for state benefits to help them survive the current income crisis.
Branch and area secretaries will obtain family credit application forms and help members fill them in.
Newly-elected union vice-president Jim Walker who called for the SNFU to take action, said he knew of three farmers in his area who had successfully applied for aid.
“A lot more will be eligible and many will not realise that net income of £5900 and savings of less than £3000 are the criteria. Most think that their capital assets will be taken into account. That is not the case and I think we should be doing all we can to help them make application for state aid,” he said.
For this and other stories, see Farmers Weekly, 13 March-19 March, 1998
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