22 August 1997


BETTER weather this week has saved the south-west harvest, with wheat yields considered acceptable but quality poor.

In Somerset, barometer grower Richard Paynes Brigadier wheat has done well, one field yielding 11.1t/ha (4.5t/acre). Hereward did 9.9t/ha (4t/acre) off the combine, but Hagberg was just 75.

About 30% of his peas, which had been under 150mm (6in) of floodwater, were lost on the ground leaving 100t off 26ha (65 acres).

In Dorset second wheats are running at about 8t/ha (3.2t/acre) and firsts 9.3t/ha (3.8t/acre) for the Hosking family. Riband is wheat of the year, with specific weights about 76kg/hl. But Hunter has disappointed and will be dropped.

ADAS consultant Bill Butler reports some winter barley still to cut in Devon, most badly sprouted. Wheat yields are fair, but specific weights poor, down to 69-71kg/hl.

In south-east Cornwall farmer/ contractor John Moss says Brigadier has done well, with Hunter not far behind, giving specific weights of 75 and 72kg/hl, respectively.

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