Storage problems widen spud price gap
By FWi staff
THE difference in value between top grade potatoes and poorer samples widened even further last week on the back of news that storage problems are increasing.
It appears that growers are holding quality supplies back as buyers are having difficulty sourcing best material, especially for packing, noted the British Potato Council in its weekly report.
“As a result, at one pole there were higher quotes offered for some varieties, for example Piper seeing as much as £5 gain to £115 in parts of eastern counties.
“In contrast, at the other end of the pole many growers found a reality as offers of only £20-£30 were available for poorest produce.”
The trend is now ranging between £40-£70/t ex-farm in bags and bulk, while poor material is trading between £20-£30/t.
Top-quality Piper and Estima have climbed to £115/t and Edward to £110/t. However, Desiree and other varieties are only fetching up to £80/t.
The BPC weekly GB ex-farm average price inched up 49p to £67.07/t (including £6.60 bags) over the week on the back of higher values in the West.
However, this is still a long way behind this time last year when prices values were £150.74/t.