Supermarkets to abide by code
18 December 2001
Supermarkets to abide by code
By FWi staff
MAJOR retailers have agreed to comply with a supermarket code of practice supposed to govern their relationship with suppliers.
Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury and Safeway said they would comply with the code, drawn up by the Director General of Fair Trading.
The code responds to problems identified by the Competition Commission in its monopoly report on supermarkets.
It will come into effect from 17 March 2002.
The farming industry has expressed its disappointed with the contents of the code and the way it was published.
Farmers fear they will be offered little protection by it and will continue to leant on by the retailers.
- Supermarket code flawed Safeway, FWi, 7 November, 2001
- Supermarket code disappoints farmers, FWi, 1 November, 2001
- Supermarkets deny weakening code, FWi, 13 March, 2001
- Supermarket code watered down, FWi, 13 March, 2001
- Supermarkets – what the papers say, FWi, 11 October, 2000
- NFU welcomes supermarket decision, FWi, 10 October, 2000
- Supermarkets to have code of practice, FWi, 10 October, 2000
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