Tactics for lameness

26 February 1999

Tactics for lameness

LAMENESS in dairy herds is costing at least 1p a litre of milk, but producers could take practical steps to reduce its impact on dairy profits, according to Reading Universitys lameness specialist Dick Esslemont

Dr Esslemont, who will speak at the first National Cattle Lameness Conference, to be held at Stoneleigh, Warks, on Mar 16, suggests in a new book, Understanding And Tackling Lameness In Dairy Herds, that improving concrete surfaces, cubicle design, bull selection and use of lameness records could help conquer the complaint.

Written in conjunction with dairy vet Chris Woods, 2000 copies of the book are available free to farmers weekly readers and NMR customers on a first-come, first-served basis. Free copies will also be given to producers attending the conference.

Information on the conference and tickets are available from Agricultural Conferences and Events (01797-223626) and copies of the book from NMR customer services (0345-660236). &#42

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