Taught pig meat market raises price prospects

Reports of slight improvements in EU pigmeat prices may help to end the slide in UK pigmeat values.
The latest GB Euro Deadweight Adjusted Pig Price of 102.39p has shown a steady decline since mid-June levels of 106p.
As a result, most UK contract and spot quotes lost ground for deliveries in the week commencing 24 October.
Spot bacon was traded in the 100–104p/kg range, with lighter cutters worth between 105–109p/kg.
But with very few unsold pigs in the system and EU prices recovering, there are signs that UK pigmeat quotes could improve in the run up to Christmas.
Speculation on the effects of bird flu and a reduction in the demand for chicken could also benefit the EU-wide pigmeat market.
Cull sow quotes are also on the rise with export abattoirs quoting 70-74p/kg according to load size and specification.
But recent falls in the value of the euro are working against the domestic market.
The currency opened on the 24 October at 67.55p compared with 68.4p a week ago.
Weaner values continue to edge downwards with the Meat and Livestock Commission 30kg average quoted at ÂŁ34.08/head ex farm.
Cereals are also improving in value with feed wheat trading at ÂŁ63.60/tonne ex farm compared with ÂŁ60.50/tonne a year ago.