The GM seed fiasco – news roundup
25 May 2000
The GM seed fiasco – news roundup
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Greenpeace accused over GM maize
25 May, 2000
EUROPEAN seed manufacturers have rejected Greenpeace claims that almost 1 million hectares of maize may be contaminated with genetically modified seed.
Brown denies GM maize plantings
25 May, 2000
AGRICULTURE Minister Nick Brown has denied having any information that genetically modified maize has been unknowingly planted by farmers.
Tories on the offensive over GM seed
25 May, 2000
SHADOW agriculture minister Tim Yeo is to raise the controversy over genetically modified contaminated seed in the House of Commons.
Second GM seed blunder unearthed
24 May, 2000
MAIZE contaminated with genetically modified seed has become the second crop suspected of being planted across thousands of hectares of farmland.
Farmer to sue over GM rape?
24 May, 2000
A FARMER who destroyed genetically modified oilseed rape he unwittingly planted has threatened legal action.
Farmers start to plough in GM rape
23 May, 2000
FARMERS are starting to destroy fields of genetically modified oilseed rape planted unknowingly from contaminated seed supplied by Advanta Seeds UK
Anti-GM protestors invade MAFF
23 May, 2000
PROTESTORS have stormed the Ministry of Agriculture in London in protest at the governments handling of the fiasco over GM-contaminated oilseed rape.
Mowlam admits mistake over GM
23 May, 2000
MO MOWLAM has admitted that the government “may have made a mistake” in its handling of the GM contamination blunder.
Brown rejects call to resign over GMs
22 May, 2000
AGRICULTURE minister Nick Brown has rejected calls for his resignation after the governments handling of the furore over GM-contaminated oilseed rape.
GM rape crop may be worthless
19 May, 2000
THOUSANDS of hectares of genetically modified oilseed rape accidentally grown by hundreds of British farmers may be worthless.
Zero tolerance of GM impossible
19 May, 2000
ZERO tolerance of genetically modified material is an impossible standard, claims the company at the centre of the GM contaminated oilseed row.
Rip up contaminated OSR, urge greens
18 May, 2000
CALLS are growing for British farmers to destroy thousands of hectares of GM crops they unwittingly planted after a mistake by a biotechnology company.
Advanta points to tardy regulation
18 May, 2000
GOVERNMENT regulations to minimise genetic contamination of conventional seeds should have been considered sooner, claims the company which mistakenly sold GM seeds to UK farmers.
Biotech company in GM seed fiasco
17 May, 2000
BRITISH farmers have unwittingly planted up to 15,000 hectares of crops from genetically modified seed, the company Advanta Seeds UK has admitted.