Townies hijack country shows
30 May 2000
Townies hijack country shows
FARMERS are staying away from country shows because they are being hijacked by well-heeled townies, claims the Daily Express.
The newspaper says the Cheshire Show, which attracts 30,000 visitors over a weekend, has been particularly affected.
Former National Farmers Union Cheshire chairman Stuart Yarwood told the Express that stalls for things like wicker furniture were pushing out more traditional farming exhibits.
Cheshire NFU chairman Keith Holland said the farming crisis left farmers with less time to devote to shows.
But this years show will include an agriculture centre to showcase innovation in the industry.
In an editorial the Express says that farmers have to be encouraged to stay at the shows.
“This means townies making an effort to understand the countryside instead of using these events as just another extension of a theme park.
“Otherwise that is exactly what they will become.”
- Daily Express 30/05/2000 page 10 and 24