Traditional Holsteins in big demand

19 February 1999

Traditional Holsteins in big demand

DAIRY cows of a more traditional style than the modern black-and-white were in demand at Taunton mart when Michael Osmond, trading as Messrs Razey and Osmond, dispersed pure Holstein and Meuse Rhine Issel cattle.

At home near Andover, Hants, the herd had an average yield of 6502kg at 4.12% butterfat and 3.32% protein using 1t of concentrates per lactation. The MRI had been introduced to the herd in 1994 to benefit low-cost spring and summer milk production.

Top price was 920gns, paid for a Holstein third calver with a best performance of 9221kg with her second that earned £1745 from a 19.5p/litre milk price. She was by Conant Acres Valiant Jonah and was sold freshly calved after dropping an MRI calf by Neeltje Roel. Buyers were Messrs Dyer, Stogumber, Taunton. Another Jonah daughter made 880gns.

The pure-bred MRI fifth calver Dora 163rd, with a best yield of 6545kg, made 780gns with her bull calf at foot reaching 280gns.

MRI x Holstein second calvers sold to 700gns with freshly calved cross-bred heifers by Mark and Dor selling twice to 560gns. In-calf cross-bred heifers peaked at 500gns twice and bullers made up to 400gns.

Averages: 42 cows £580; five calved heifers £546; 11 served heifers £481; 15 empty heifers £371; five yearlings £262 and 12 heifer calves £122. (Greenslade Taylor Hunt) &#42

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