Variable yields on variable land#146;

29 August 2001

Variable yields on variable land

REBBECCA WEBBER, who farms at Winterborne Kingston in Dorset, has almost finished harvest, “were on our last piece of wheat today, and after that weve got some spring oilseed rape and some beans. Yields have been better than expected but variable.”

Yields have been better on light chalk land and worse on heavier and gravely ground. Claire and Malacca have yielded 10.6t/ha (4.3t/acre) on Chalk, which is above the usual 8.6t/ha (3.5t/acre).

Overall she expects yields to average close to the normal 8.1t/ha (3.3t/acre), with a mixture of first and second wheat on the heavier land yielding less. “Considering how they looked in March, with bits taken out by flooded patches, this is good.”

Malacca quality has been good. Hagberg has been over 300, protein above 13% and specific weight at 80Kg/hl. This was combined before poor weather affected the quality.

Rain has been a problem in the last two weeks. Nothing has been combined above 20%, but most of the crop has been between 17-18%.

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