Wheat yields disappoint
28 August 2001
Wheat yields disappoint
YIELDS have been lower than average for Shropshire farmer Duncan Whiteman. Rain, which had not been forecasted, stopped further progress on Friday morning (24 August).
Feed wheat yields on the farm at Broseley near Telford, have been about 7.5t/ha (3t/acre) for second wheat and 10t/acre (4t/acre) for first wheat.
He expects the average for the whole farm to be down on the average 9.3t/ha (3.75t/acre). Consort and Claire are being grown as second wheat and Napier as a first crop.
“You could tell the difference between the first and second wheat. The bushel on the first looks above 80kg/hl, but the second wheat looks below 70kg/hl.”
A crop of Option seed wheat is not quite fit yet. “It has suffered from the wet winter. Hopefully it should yield 3t/acre (7.5t/ha).”
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