All kitted up for the 2000 cultivations season? You will
be if you win a set of Opico Vari-Flex rolls worth
£8113 in our early summer competition
ROLLING may be a dull job for the operator, but its a key operation in the battle to get the best seed-bed for growing crops. The latest generation of rolls allow you to achieve a far more even finish than their predecessors and they fold up more easily too.
farmers weekly has teamed up with Opico to give you a chance to win some of the best rolls around – a 6.3m (20ft 8in) wide set of Opico Vari-Flex rolls with 457mm (18in) rings that weigh 2610kg and include Opicos new Shatta Board feature.
So how do you win it? Simple – just read the text on the competition pages in the FW issues of May 12, 19, 26, June 2 and 9. Answer the question at the bottom of the page, then fill in the coupon and send it to us.
Alternatively you can enter the competition on FWi or on the FW stand at this years Cereals Event on June 14 and 15. In fact, the final draw for the winner will take place on our stand at 3pm on June 15.
Opicos Vari-Flex rolls are designed to give even rolling across the full working width. That helps retain moisture and produce a firm, level seedbed that maximises the chance for the drill to place the seed accurately.
These rolls feature a lot of intelligent design details. The suspended wing section is supported from its own central hanger and even on the five-section rolls there is full independent flotation on each section. This full width contour-following is vital for true level rolling.
The most popular models are fitted with the SAT weight-balancing system. Most traditional rolls tend to exert the greatest pressure on the centre section, but SATs 1000kg pre-loaded spring spreads this weight automatically to the side sections. That means uniform pressure across the width of the rolls.
The new hydraulically-operated Shatta Board sits in front of the rolling assembly for extra levelling and consolidation. It works via a connecting rod system, which transforms the individual coil springs into a spring board . At the base of each leaf spring is a replaceable flat levelling plate.
This is ideal for working down ploughed ground and turns your rolls into a two-pass, one-operation machine.
Hydraulic folding is quick and simple. In the transport position the weight of each wing is carried between the tractor and the transport wheels. The wing sections are locked from swinging out and are held in a locking cradle for noise-free transportation.
Opico Vari-Flex rolls come in working widths that range from 4.5m (14ft 9in) through to 12.2m (40ft).
On a roll.
Opico Vari-Flex rolls now come with Shatta Board levelling board.
My answer to the question: What is the preloaded force (in kg) of the spring used in the SAT system? is as follows:
Are you a farmer/farm manager/farm worker/contractor
(delete whichever does not apply) or other occupation? (please state)
Farm acres……………. Arable acres…………. Dairy numbers………………….
Beef numbers…………………. Sheep numbers……………………
o Please tick if you do not want to receive direct marketing promotions from other firms.
Please send the completed coupon to: Farmers Weekly/Opico Competition, farmers weekly, Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5AS.
Closing date for postal and FWi entries is June 13, 2000.
Closing date for entries handed in at the Cereals Event is 3pm on
June 15, 2000.
1 How is the set of Opico
Vari-Flex rolls to be won? Read the text and answer the question that will appear in the FW issues of May 12, 19 and 26 and June 2 and 9. Fill in the coupon that will appear in each issue.
2 You can fill in as many coupons as you want, but all must be on original FW pages.
3 No purchase is necessary. The coupon is also available by sending an SAE to Opico Coupon, farmers weekly, Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5AS.
4 The decision of the judges and of the editor of Farmers Weekly will in all matters be final and legally binding.
5 The completed entry forms are the property of farmers weekly and Opico.
6 The closing date for receiving coupons by post or via FWi is June 13. However entries can be handed in up to 3pm on June 15 on the FW stand at the Cereals Event.
7 The competition is open to all readers in the UK and Republic of Ireland, except employees (and their families) of Reed Business Information, farmers weeklys printers, Opico and its dealers.
8 Postal entries should be addressed to farmers weekly/Opico Competition, farmers weekly, Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5AS.