British Potato 09: New application method for Amistar in potatoes could save money

New application methods have been devised for Amistar (azoxystrobin) treatments to control blackdot, rhizoctonia and silver scurf in potatoes.

Previously the main application method had been in-furrow treatment at 3 litres/ha, Syngenta‘s Tom Whitworth said. “But not everyone wants to buy the specialised equipment to treat in-furrow, so we now have a number of alternatives.”

They included overall field treatment or treating the beds with a normal farm sprayer at 6 litres/ha.

Another option was treating the beds but not the wheelings using a purpose-built spray bar fitted in the front of the bed-tiller. “That way you are only treating the soil going into make the beds and can reduce the rate to 4.8 litres/ha – around a £40/ha saving in chemical.”

Further trials are planned this year although initial results suggest all the methods are equally effective, according to Mr Whitworth. “Which one you use depends on the best fit for your system.”

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