Know How / Oilseed rape

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AHDB Oilseed rape growth guide

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AHDB Oilseed rape diseases

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AHDB Erucic acid in oilseed rape

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AHDB Pre-harvest glyphosate

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Latest oilseed rape Know How articles


Harvest 24: End in sight as farmers make progress in dry spell

As much of the cereal harvest draws to a close thanks to a spell of dry weather, farmers reflect on a difficult season, with many looking ahead to next year…


Harvest highs and lows from Arable Insights farmer panel

After a difficult season, what has the combine delivered for our eight Arable Insights growers? Farmers Weekly caught up with them to see how the harvest has progressed. See also:…


Flea beetle and herbicide benefits of OSR and companion crops

Trials investigating the role of oilseed rape companion crops to deter cabbage stem flea beetle and minimise herbicide losses have revealed benefits of using berseem clover and buckwheat. The trials…


Harvest 24: 5 top-yielding winter OSR varieties

Throughout the harvest season, we are updating our handy map with the latest data from the AHDB’s 2024 oilseed rape Recommended List harvest results. Use the map below to find…

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