Farming events from Farmers Weekly
Farmers Weekly live events offer in-person seminars, talks and farm visits, as well as online webinars.
See the timeline below showing the upcoming events.
We aim to ensure our events continue to offer a stimulating and thought-provoking experience for you.
Our experts are focused on sharing the knowledge and skills you need for productive and regenerative farming.
You can watch on-demand our popular webinars and check out our new Transition initiative aimed at securing a sustainable future for your farm business.
If you would like to be commercially involved in our events please visit our media centre for more information.
Transition Live 2025
Join us for Transition Live 2025 at Leeds University’s Spen Farm.
Enjoy a packed seminar programme of TED-style talks and in-depth panel discussions, with a special focus on innovation.
There will also be the chance to have a look at some practical elements of the venue with a tour of the farm.
Featured and upcoming events
Tree planting: Everything you need to know
Join us for this webinar and hear from farm and forestry experts on how woodland and trees can deliver for farm businesses.
The panel of experts answered your questions and discussed:
Question Time: Plumpton College
The latest Farmers Weekly Question Time will take place at Plumpton College. Speak directly with top politicians and industry leaders on issues affecting UK agriculture.
Broadening your range of homegrown forages to maximise resilience
Join experts on this webinar to gain a better understanding of how to manage forages and get the best from them.
A representative of farmer-owned co-operative, Limagrain Field Seeds, will advise on how using the best genetics can ensure crops are successful and sustainably profitable.
Navigating succession planning in farming: Adapting to recent inheritance tax changes
This webinar will provide an overview of recent government changes to inheritance tax and their impact on farming businesses, including:
Recent events
Women and farming succession
According to Farmers Weekly’s 2024 survey on women in agriculture, just 36% of women said they felt women were treated equally when it comes to succession, compared with 69% when we carried out a similar piece of research 10 years ago.
This Level The Field webinar will explore how handovers can be approached to achieve the best outcome all round.
Renewable energy: How to decide the best option for your farm
Renewable energy sources can displace fossil fuel use, reducing emissions on and off-farm, while also saving (or making) you money.
In this session a panel of experts will explore opportunities with renewable energy technologies suitable for on-farm use.
Carbon storage: How to make it work for you
The emerging carbon market promises many opportunities for farmers.
Join us for this Transition webinar to discover the potential returns and the pitfalls to avoid.
Learn about carbon credits, sequestration and how carbon can be traded.
Implications of Labour's Budget - farming under a new government
Following Labour's Budget announcement on 30 October, Laurence Gould Partnership will be delivering the key updates and the implications to rural businesses.
Sustainable Farming Incentive: All you need to know
This webinar will delve into the latest SFI developments summarise key action points to make the most from the scheme
- SFI Autumn Update
- Key learnings from past applications
- On farm implementation
- New developments
Harvest 2024: Lessons learnt for 2025
This webinar focuses on the key takeaways from the 2024 harvest.
Particularly relevant for arable farmers in the East of England and West Midlands, who face unique challenges and opportunities in their regions.
Success stories are shared, showcasing effective strategies that led to improved yields and enhanced soil health.
Control the controllables: How to build resilience in your farm business
Join us on 17th October for expert advice from the panel on how you can predict your farm's future with accuracy and harness the power of technology.
Topics covered will include:
Transition webinars
Britain's Fittest Farmer 2025