Quality alarm bells ringing

9 August 2001

Quality alarm bells ringing

RAIN has stopped any real progress into the wheat crop in the Southwest. Owen Cligg, of Wessex Grain, says, “we are uncertain of the quality to come.”

There has been Malacca, Soissons and Claire combined so far. Proteins have ranged from 8-13% and Hagberg over 250.

There are concerns with the persistent rain. “There are Claire crops that are beginning to shed, and similarly with pea crops desiccated before the rain.

“If the crop that is ripe is cut this weekend it should still have a high Hagberg. But if it is not cut in 10 days then the Hagberg will drop.” He says the whole harvest is late.

He estimates that 90% of winter barley and oilseed rape is combined in Dorset and Somerset, but the figure may be as low as 50% in Devon and Cornwall.

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