Take-alls twice as bad

30 August 2002

Take-alls twice as bad

TAKE-ALL in second wheats on 35 commercial farms across the country is twice as bad as last season, a Monsanto survey has found.

Indices in untreated crops are up to 74 (on a 1-100 scale).

"An average of 37.5 in untreated crops, with more than four in every 10 samples indexing over 40, means the disease will cause serious yield losses," says the firms Geoff Hall. "Only the most robust treatments are likely to be effective in limiting these losses."

Average index across the 24 sites where Latitude (silthiofam) was used was 21.3, he notes.

"Even Latitude will not completely eliminate take-all in such a high disease pressure season. But with the average 0.73t/ha yield increase we recorded with feed wheats on problem sites last year, we are anticipating margins over treatment costs of around £20/ha with wheat at £60/t." &#42

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