Barley blend pleases in N Ireland

WINTER BARLEY on Farmers Weekly’s Northern Ireland barometer farm is especially pleasing after a good spell of finishing sunshine following plenty of rain earlier in the season, according to Clive Weir.

Reporting from a holiday in Majorca while his team cracked on with combining, Mr Weir reckoned yields were about 1.2t/ha (0.5t/acre) up on average.

A 20ha (50 acre) trial of a blend of six-row Angela with two-row Carat to help the crop stand better gave 9.4t/ha (3.8t/acre) at 15% moisture.

“We’ve never had that before,” said Mr Weir. “The combined bushel weight is 67kg/hl. We’re also inundated with straw which is making good money – £9 for a four by four round bale.

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